The Glendon Musical Ensemble is Hiring for 2015-2016!

General Manager

  • Responsible for overseeing the club’s progress and executive’s work
  • Co-ordinate schedules and organize meetings
  • Plans and oversees recruitment campaigns
  • Works closely with the events coordinator to help plan the Christmas concert and year end concert
  • Create an annual calendar with deadlines, events and rehearsals
  • Liaison between the school and the organization

Instrumental Director

  • Responsible for instrumental aspects of GME on Thursday nights
  • Overseeing instrumental and music arrangements
  • Have experience conducting or playing in an instrumental band with basic knowledge of major instrumental groups

Choir Director

  • Responsible for the choral aspects of GME on Thursday nights
  • Oversees choral aspect of music arrangement
  • Have experience being in in a choir and have some experience in directing
  • Have knowledge in choral techniques and piano playing

Financial Manager

  • Work closely with the general manager to oversee finances
  • Ensure that finances are organized throughout the year
  • Oversee spending during main events and concerts

Assistant instrumental director

  • Works closely with the instrumental director to assist in arranging music
  • Experience in conducting is a plus
  • Facilitates in tracking of attendance

Assistant Choir Director

  • Works closely with the choir director to assist in arranging music
  • Experience in conducting is a plus
  • Facilitates in tracking of attendance

Event coordinator

  • Works closely with the general manager to plan concerts and events
  • Works with the financial manager to oversee spending for events and concerts

Communications Director

  • Work closely with the general manager to promote events and concerts via Facebook and official website (using WordPress as layout)
  • Take notes during important meetings


How to apply

Email with the following by April 5th 2015

  1. Write a statement of intent (roughly 500 words) explaining why you’re interested in the position you applied for.
  2. Resume

Be available for an interview sometime between April 6th and April 10th 2015.

***These positions are voluntary but an honorarium may be included at the end of the year.***